
Graphology is the study of how people type. A person’s handwriting can reveal a lot about them. It may reveal various aspects of their personality and character. Handwriting will reveal information about a person you are dating or in a relationship with that you are unaware of.

Handwriting analysis is the study of the shapes of letters and symbols produced while writing in cursive. We are all taught in school how to make the letters and write in cursive, but penmanship is rarely taught today, which has resulted in very relaxed writing styles and everyone finding their own way of doing things.

All used to be taught the same penmanship style and then came out of school all writing the same way in the same style. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln’s penmanship was considered uneducated in certain circles? He was not known to have proper penmanship because he used a more casual style.

Before being employed, secretaries were required to know a style known as “equal hand” in order to write legible letters. This was the way businesses did business in the 1700-1800s, and the correspondence had to be as legible as possible, so “fair hand” was what anyone who wanted to be a secretary had to know.

There are now three forms of graphology used to research penmanship samples:

  1. Integrative graphology entails determining those personality characteristics based on how people write. Assume you enrolled in college to further your studies. They will examine your writing samples to determine the type of student you will be.
  2. Symbolic graphology is the study of someone’s writing samples after they die in order to find certain aspects of their writing that might provide insight into their life. This is commonly used in forensics and can be used as evidence in a court of law.
  3. Holistic graphology is a little-known study of spacing and legibility. According to research, how closely the letters are spaced and how well you can read what they write can reveal a lot about a person.
  4. The slant used by the writer, angling the line while writing, and the words used in a sentence are all common identifiers in writing. To someone who knows what to look for, these are all “tells.”
  5. If you write with a backward slant, you might be experiencing emotional distress, while if you write with a forward slant, you are content and want others to know.

You’re probably in a good mood if you angle the sentence you’re writing off the line on the page. If you remain exactly on the line, you are probably a perfectionist who needs something to be perfect, and if you angle downward under the line, you are probably exhausted and in need of some sleep.

How you cross your t’s and dot your i’s will reveal a lot about your self-esteem. A low cross of the t and dot of the I indicates that you have any self-esteem problems that should be resolved, while a high cross or dot indicates that you feel good about yourself.

When used properly, such as in forensics, handwriting analysis can be extremely useful. Using it to apprehend a suspect is yet another tool in the investigator’s arsenal. Using this form of study to decide whether or not anyone is a good fit for your business may or may not be suitable.

It can never hurt to have insight in a relationship.

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