better smile

Your forehead may be agelessly smooth thanks to Botox, and your lines may be almost nonexistent thanks to a facelift, but if your smile is flat, dingy, and misshapen, you may not only look your age, but you may look older. Improving your smile, ironically, will now be the least invasive cosmetic treatment.

Recent cosmetic dentistry breakthroughs, such as Cerinate’s latest Lumineers, are all benefit and no pain, in contrast to conventional veneers, which involve grinding and shaving down teeth for application.

Lumineers are contact lens thin, transparent “smile shapers” made from proprietary Cerinate porcelain that are applied to original teeth without any removal of sensitive tooth structure. As a result, no shots or anaesthesia are needed, which means no pain. Your smile will be more radiant and, more importantly, years younger in just two short visits, lasting up to 20 years.

So, how else can you look young without having to go under the knife?

  • Try to smile more. Confidence is seductive, and seductiveness is youthful. Once you’ve achieved the stunning smile you’ve always desired, put it to good use and you’ll attract more publicity than you did ten years ago.
  • Keep your makeup to a minimum. You may think that wearing a lot of makeup would hide your wrinkles, but it actually does the opposite. Caking it on helps the makeup to settle into and exaggerate wrinkles. The same can be said for eye shadow. A good rule of thumb is “less is better.”
  • Protect your skin from the light. When it comes to ageing, UV rays are our worst enemy. Often use a moisturiser with an SPF of 15 or higher. For added protection, look for skin creams that contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and E.
  • Take a nap. It’s not called “beauty sleep” for nothing. If you don’t get enough sleep (roughly seven hours per night), your metabolism and hormone output will suffer, exposing you to the early effects of ageing.
  • Work on your stance. Although calcium supplements can help prevent osteoporosis, a sagging stoop can age you quickly. Strengthen the core (abdominal muscles) to achieve a straighter back and a taller body. Pilates is an excellent way to change your posture and give you a longer, leaner appearance.
  • Take a look at your wardrobe. Dressing younger does not have to entail wearing super low-rise jeans and belly tops. A relaxed, but tailored look will prevent you from looking fussy and out of date. A great T-shirt combined with well-fitting trousers and great accessories produces a relaxed, yet fashionable, everyday “uniform.”
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