Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a practice of training the mind to slow down thoughts, calm both the body and mind, and let go of all negative thoughts.

Mindfulness is the mental state of being in the moment, acknowledging our present thoughts and feelings without judgment.

What are the benefits of mindfulness meditation?

Practicing mindfulness meditation regularly is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

 Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Stress. 

Research shows that mindfulness meditation plays a role in stress management.

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn came up with the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) approach in the 1970s and is still in use.

The approach aims to target the unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that increase stress.

MBSR is an eight-week program in which participants meet once a week.

This program has been proven to improve symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, and depression.

Psychotherapists have recently turned to mindfulness meditation for their patients as an adjunct to treating eating disorders, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and so many more.

Mindfulness Meditation Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease.

Heart disease is among the most common causes of death in the world.

Mindfulness meditation lowers this risk by reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

Since being mindful and meditating involves slowing down the mind and getting rid of negativity, a slower mind results in a slower heart.

In addition to taking their medication, patients who practice mindfulness meditation had lower heart rates and optimal blood pressures than patients who only took medication.

Mindfulness Meditation Improves the Quality of Sleep.

Taking as little as twenty minutes to meditate before going to bed is more significant than counting sheep to fall asleep. We’ve all been there.

Meditation before sleep has several benefits;

  • Release of melatonin; the sleep hormone
  • Activates the sleep center 
  • Decreases heart rate and blood pressure; you can’t sleep with a racing heart.

Mindfulness Meditation Increases Wellbeing.

Practicing regular mindfulness meditation teaches us to savor present moments and not dwell in the past or worry about the future.

Staying in the moment makes us more involved in present activities and helps us deal with stressors in life.

People who practice mindfulness believe in the famous saying; we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Mindfulness Meditation Improves Immune Response.

Researchers claim that long-term meditation may increase the cells that are involved in boosting the immune system.

These cells called T-cells increase in numbers in cancer and HIV patients who practice mindfulness meditation.

Patients with breast cancer who practice mindfulness meditation have shown a decrease in biomarkers that indicate disease progression.

Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Chronic Pain.

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s approach has been proven to decrease chronic pain and improve psychological well-being in patients suffering from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis.

Mindfulness Meditation Helps to Treat Addiction.

If you check the itinerary of most rehabilitation centers, mindfulness meditation is always present.

Mindfulness can be a beneficial addition to addiction treatment because it can help patients better understand and accept their urges, perhaps preventing relapse after they’ve been safely weaned off drugs or alcohol.

Pauline Damiana
Medical Doctor & Author

Pauline is a medical doctor and author in the health and lifestyle niche. Driven by a passion for educating the world, she loves to share her knowledge and writes about wellness and its importance. Pauline believes that Information is power.

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