baby care

Here are some essential Kids Safety tips to avoid future unwanted things.

What should we do?

  1. Keep the baby neat and clean at all times.
  2. Cut the nails with extreme caution.
  3. The wet nappy should be washed, and the affected areas should be cleaned with soap.
  4. Take special care of your genitals, as fungal infections are common in that area. It is essential to keep the parts dry.
  5. The scalp needs special attention. Cleaning properly will help to avoid fungal infections, dermatitis, and other health problems.
  6. Tight clothing can irritate the skin; thus, clothing should be loose and allow for the passage of air.
  7. The room should be well-lit and ventilated. It should be dust and insect-free.
  8. For children, a separate bed, ideally one that is water-resistant, is needed.
  9. It should be placed near the mother’s bed.
  10. Hold some musical toys close the baby at all times.
  11. When holding the infant, use your hand to support the baby’s head. Since the neck muscles are weak, a sudden drop of the head can be dangerous.
  12. Mother’s milk not only provides the best nutrition for the infant, but it also provides emotional connection. Breast milk should be given as needed to the baby, preferably while the mother is sitting. It is also appropriate to clean the nipple properly. During the lactation period, the mother should eat a healthy diet.
  13. Cow’s milk can be provided if breastfeeding is contraindicated. The feeding bottle should be washed with warm water and kept dry until the next time it is used.
  14. Cow’s milk should be boiled and cooled before use. Some diseases, such as bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis, are transmitted via raw milk.
  15. Some children are allergic to certain substances such as food, milk, clothing, cosmetics, and so on. Find out what is causing the allergy and stay away from it.
  16. Mosquito nets should be used on a daily basis. Malaria, dengue fever, filariasis, yellow fever, and other diseases are transmitted by mosquito bites. Mosquito bites can also cause skin eruptions as well as allergic reactions. It even interferes with restful sleep.
  17. To get a good night’s sleep, keep the environment calm. Infants need more sleep than adults. Growth hormone secretion is said to be triggered during sleep.
  18. Growth development, behavioural development, motor development, personal social development, language development, and so on should all be tracked over time. However, parents should not be too concerned because there are minor differences from person to person.
  19. It is important to assess growth by measuring height and weight.
  20. During the first few months of life, the infant can defecate after each feed. When the baby is old enough, he or she should be taught how to use the toilet. At the age of ten months, the baby may be put on the toilet seat.
  21. Before and after use, the toilet seat (potty seat) should be washed with antiseptic spray. Other children do not have access to it.
Kids Safety

What should we avoid?

  1. Never shake the baby as this can cause brain damage.
  2. Keep any small items away from the boy.
  3. Sharp-pointed items such as pens, pencils, and so on should not be provided to children.
  4. When taking a bath, avoid getting water in your ears.
  5. Food should not be forcedly given to a baby who is constantly crying or coughing.
  6. The baby should not be overfed.
  7. Things such as insect repellents, mothballs, paint, gum, medications, and so on should be avoided.
  8. Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight.
  9. Can not be mounted near the bed’s edge.
  10. Avoid direct contact with others and do not give the baby to strangers.
  11. All electrical equipment should be kept away from the bed, and the bed should not be placed near any electrical sockets or wires.
  12. The kitchen is a hazardous environment for children. Don’t leave them in the kitchen alone.
  13. When the baby is in the bath tub, keep the water level at a minimum and avoid doing any other job (attending phone calls, calling bells, etc.).
  14. Smoking is not permitted inside the home.
  15. Pet animals should not be allowed to come into direct contact with children.
  16. (Anti-rabies vaccines should be administered to dogs, and their nails should be properly clipped.)
  17. When the child begins to walk, he or she should not be left alone upstairs and should not be allowed to climb the stairs.
  18. In the bed, bright lights should be avoided.
  19. When traveling, do not accept food items from fellow travelers.
  20. Baby should not be allowed to crawl on the ground.
  21. If you or anyone else is ill, keep the children away from them.
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