ear infection

If you are a parent of a child who has an ear infection, you may be interested to hear that there are some highly effective home remedies that can be used to treat them. Some children are more prone to infection, which can cost a small fortune in doctor visits over time. There are also times when an earache occurs at night, when it is difficult to see a doctor, or while on vacation, and a good home remedy can provide relief to the child until you can see a doctor. Of course, if the ear pain is severe and does not go away with the home remedy, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Ear infections have plagued people for many years, and they were treated with natural remedies long before prescribed medications were available. Many remedies are made with items you most likely already have in your home. Home remedies for ear infections have been used for many years, even after prescribed medications became available, and are still used today.

For earaches, a warm compress is always a good option. If you have a wheat bag, you can use it for a warm compress; if not, you can make one by putting some rice in a sock and heating it in the microwave for one minute. After that, place the compress on the child’s sore ear and allow them to lie on their side with the bad ear facing down. Using a warm compress in this manner can aid in the drainage of any blockage in the child’s ear, which may alleviate pain.

Most medicine cabinets contain hydrogen peroxide, which is commonly used to clean wounds and kill germs. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide in a sore ear will aid in the killing of any bacteria that may be causing the infection.

If you would prefer a more natural alternative to hydrogen peroxide then lemon juice is a great choice. Because lemon juice is highly acidic, it neutralises the pH, preventing bacteria growth.

The next home remedy for ear infections is a kitchen recipe containing onion, garlic, and olive oil. The onion and garlic must be simmered in oil and water. Simmer until the mixture reduces, then strain it to leave you with a liquid. Apply a few drops to the sore ear once it has cooled. This can kill the infection and, if used at the first sign of an ear infection, can get rid of it quickly.
Another useful recipe for treating ear infections is a mixture of vinegar and water. Simply combine 50% water and 50% vinegar and apply a few drops to the sore ear.

Finally, and perhaps unexpectedly, vodka can help. And no, we are not suggesting that your child drink vodka until they are pain-free! Simply dab some vodka onto a cotton ball and place it against your ear.

A remedy that works well for one child may not work well for another, so you may need to try a few different ones until you find one that works well for your child. Once you’ve determined which remedy works best for your child, you’ll have it on hand the next time he or she gets an ear infection. Remember, if your child’s pain persists or becomes severe, take him or her to the doctor as soon as possible.

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