Re-Sexualize Yourself

Sex is an essential component of your life, relationship, and overall well-being.

It is critical that you enjoy it. The body’s conditioning to be sexual and reproduce is the most powerful on the planet. It is the second most powerful instinct on the planet, after survival. Sexual desire, on the other hand, can change over time and increase or decrease depending on life’s circumstances.

Do you have concerns about what constitutes “normal” or “abnormal” sexual activity? Do you ever wonder why or what causes your sex drive to change? Everyone and every couple has a different level of desire and need for sexual intimacy, which is understandable. Sexual desires frequently change in response to external forces such as stress and emotional experiences.

What is

What is Re-Sexualization?

Sexualization is the process of transforming something into something sexual in character or quality, or of becoming aware of one’s sexuality, particularly in relation to men and women.

Here are 7 suggestions for re-sexualize yourself and improving your daily sex life:

1. Your Body Is an Energetic Machine Photographs of Your Previous Love Encounters

Have you ever noticed how your self-esteem rises or falls when you are involved in certain intimate relationships? This is largely due to the fact that you energetically perceive the significant other’s thoughts about you. These thoughts may be completely unrelated to who you truly are, but they begin to resonate with the energy that is already present in your energetic field.

Energetic snapshots of other people’s thought forms that have become lodged in your space or body can obstruct our energy flow in a specific part of your body or energy field. They create pockets of vulnerability and attract people who have had similar experiences. Perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs from other people that remain in your body or energetic space and eventually cause dis-ease.

2. Make More Space for Sexual Expression

Is there any repressed sex guilt within you? Is sex a big part of your life? Is your schedule so clogged by work or other activities that you don’t have time to express your loving sexuality? Send an intentional energetic message into your world indicating that you intend to break this pattern. Healing and changes can occur as you begin to release the energetic charge from past mistakes.

3. You Were Born With Sex Attractiveness

Sexual energy is the vital life force energy that exists within you. It is at the very heart of your energy bodies and how they function. Because the energy of Love holds the universe together, when that energy flows properly in your body, you are happy and healthy. Your entire body transforms into a lighthouse, promoting health and longevity.

4. Release Conflict, Anger, and Negative Feelings Energetically

Unresolved conflict or unspoken anger, as well as negative feelings, secrets, or emotional upset, can all dampen desire. When you harbour negative feelings about your partner, your attraction to them can dwindle dramatically, sometimes never to return.

5. Making Available a Foreign Energy Time-Line Visualization

These negative thoughts or feelings may be affecting you right now, and you can begin to release them by using a time-line visualisation technique.

  • Visualize a timeline from your birth to your current age in front of you.
  • On the timeline, make a mark for each year of your life.
  • Draw a dark spot on the timeline for every negative experience or thought you collected and absorbed from others.
  • Begin the timeline with an absorbing rose or another symbol.
  • Move this absorbing symbol along the timeline, allowing it to draw out all the dark spots of memories, negative experiences, and foreign energy from each year. Allow the symbol to grow in size as it absorbs all of the dark spots on the timeline.
  • When you have absorbed all of the spots on the timeline and the symbol has reached its conclusion, move it out in front of you and let it explode like fireworks.
  • Visualize a golden sun above your head, full of your own vital energy.
    Bring the golden sun into your body and space to replenish your energy. Release conflict, anger, and negative feelings energetically to pave the way for renewed intimacy with yourself and your partner.

6. Get physical outside the bedroom

You’ll cultivate a newly charged energy if you can shift your interactions from being primarily familial (we see you, rote five-second shoulder rub) to more affectionate and sensual.

7. Get rid of the stress caused by dirty talk.

It’s essential to communicate “I want you” on a regular basis, rather than just “I want you to do the laundry.” But, according to Kerner, “few of us have the skills to talk about sex, even within our relationships.” It’s just so strange! Consider it like learning a language: You must begin with the fundamentals and be willing to feel a little silly. Begin with the ridiculous. Kerner suggests inventing a code word (say, checkers) to hint at sex in public or in front of children (“Would you like to play checkers later?”).

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